"Hold My Earrings"
Posted by Sherry , Wednesday, January 5, 2011 Wednesday, January 05, 2011
I'm stuck.
Figuratively. Literally. Emotionally, even. Stuck.
Can't come up with a good blog topic. Can't get the words out. Can't get the healthy food down very well. Can't get the weight down. Stuck.
Some moments I cleanse the stuck with chocolate but mostly I've been using exercise as catharsis. This is a good thing, I know. But it's not new to me. I've had a few 'stuck' moments in my life where I've turned to compulsive exercise to help me work out the kinks.
The issue, this time, with all my gym rattyness – besides the fact that I turn to Jersey Shore when I'm on the treadmill and find myself nodding in agreement with the occasional Snooki-ism – is that the work outs don't seem to be turning into weight loss. Instead they seem to turn me into a carb-seeking missile which in turn makes me feel bloated, gross and guilty which in turn makes me head back to the gym at full force.
Its a viscious cycle.. Not unlike the “romance” between Sammi “Sweetheart” and Ronnie “Roids”. Frustration, tears, sweaty tight clothing and lots and lots of f-bombs.
I'll be back in touch once I get off this hamster wheel. Right now I gotta GTL.
I am right there with you sister! Except for the compulsive exercise. Is that why my weight is going up? If misery does love company then make room on the couch for me.